The database code set, database code page, and territory values are shown as follows 数据库编码集、数据库编码页和区域值如下
This product type hierarchy is defined in a metadata structure and has an associated set of database tables and business services. 这种产品类型层次结构使用元数据结构进行定义,并具有一组相关数据库表和业务服务。
As a result, you need to set a database property to govern how the query will be processed internally. 因此,需要通过设置一个数据库属性来控制在内部如何处理此查询。
For this scenario, assume the DBA set the database locktimeout value to10 seconds 对于这个场景,假设DBA将数据库锁超时值设为10秒
Configuration repository& A set of database tables containing connection groups and connection configurations. 配置存储库&一组数据库表,其中包含连接组和连接配置。
When the setting is set to Database Only, an error will be generated in cases where the query can not be fully pushed to the database. 当设置为DatabaseOnly时,如果查询没有完全发送到数据库,那么就会有一个错误产生。
This section describes a set of database design recommendations that lead to simple and efficient database support for storing and analyzing PDB data. 本节介绍了一组数据库设计建议,可为存储和分析PDB数据提供一种简单而高效的数据库支持。
Notice that we set the database name ( MEDB) and schemas ( SCASYS and SCAAPP). 请注意,我们设置了数据库名称(MEDB)和模式(SCASYS与SCAAPP)。
To set up the SAMPLE database for automatic statistics collection, set the database configuration parameters for automatic maintenance switches as follows 为了设置SAMPLE数据库自动进行统计信息收集,需要为自动维护开关设置数据库配置参数,如下所示
The log directory holds the database-specific log files that let Derby record the operations that occur during a set of database operations ( a transaction). log目录保存特定于数据库的日志文件,这些文件允许Derby记录在一组数据库操作(一个事务)期间发生的操作。
To enable automatic statistics profile generation, set two database configuration parameters on 为了允许自动生成统计信息配置文件,需要设置两个数据库配置参数
Step 4. Create DB2 tables and set up database stages for input and output 步骤4.创建DB2表,并为输入和输出设置数据库stage
A database partition group can contain as little as one database partition, or as much as the entire set of database partitions defined for the database system. 一个数据库分区组最多可以包含为数据库系统定义的所有数据库分区。
When you are done, you can set the database settings like you did with the stand-alone version. 完成后,可以如同对独立版所做的那样对数据库进行设置。
It is often the case that the process of building an application originates from having a set of database query statements ( i.e.SQL). 通常,需要从一组已有的数据库查询语句(SQL)实现应用程序构建。
Add the messaging engine cluster to the bus and set the database schema to the correct value 将消息传递引擎集群添加到总线,并将数据库模式设置为正确值
Universal Services are a simple but fixed set of database operations that allow the querying and modification of XML data, stored in a pureXML column of a DB2 database. UniversalServices是一组简单但固定的数据库操作,它们允许查询和修改储存在DB2数据库的pureXML列中的数据。
The Universal Services, based on the Data Web Services mechanism, are a fixed set of database operations, including insert, update, delete, and query for accessing the database through simple REST or SOAP requests, as illustrated in Figure 3. UniversalServices基于DataWebServices机制,是一套固定的数据库操作,包括通过简单的REST或SOAP请求访问数据库的插入、更新、删除和查询操作,如图3所示。
Using solution explorer to maintain a set of database references for each database project is useful for several reasons. first, you can maintain several database references for a database project. 使用解决方案资源管理器为每个数据库项目维护一组数据库引用很有用,原因有几方面:第一,可以为一个数据库项目维护若干数据库引用。
Option guides you through all of the tasks required to set up Database Mail for the first time. 选项将指导您完成首次安装数据库邮件时需要执行的所有任务。
To add a password to a database, click Security on the Tools menu, and then click Set Database Password. 要为数据库添加密码,可单击工具菜单的安全命令,然后单击设置数据库密码。
Could not set database '%. ls'% ls read-only user mode because you could not exclusively lock the database. 未能设置数据库''%1!''%3!的只读用户模式,因为未能排它地锁定该数据库。
Set default database server for site content 设置站点内容的默认数据库服务器
Set database server for all Portal component settings 设置所有门户组件设置的数据库服务器
On the set database options page, accept the default settings, and click next. 在“设置数据库选项”页上,接受默认设置,并单击“下一步”。
If you or the database designer set the database to display overlapping windows by default, you can not enable document tabs. 如果您或数据库设计者将数据库设置为默认情况下显示重叠窗口,则不能启用文档选项卡。
Set a database to the bulk-logged recovery model to avoid inflating the transaction log. 设置一个数据库从大量恢复模式到避免膨胀的事务日志。
Research on Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Rough Set and Database Techniques 基于粗糙集与数据库技术的故障诊断方法研究
Toad is a set of database administration, development and performance optimization tools for major databases like Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, or MySQL. Toad是一套面向主流数据库(如Oracle、DB2、SQLServer及MySQL)的数据库管理、开发和性能优化工具的集合。
⑸ We extend the current episodes rule discovery algorithm and make it be able to find episodes rule with two time bound and be applicable for large set database. ⑸扩展了目前电信告警数据中的频繁情节挖掘算法,使之能够挖掘出具有两个时间界限的频繁情节规则,而且适合于大数据集挖掘。